What are household items that need preparation for moving day?

  • Check that all of your appliances are free of moisture and are kept in a dry, cool place prior to packing. You want to be sure that in no instance will the seals and mechanics freeze, and damage the unit.
  • Clean dishes thoroughly to prevent pests and decay.
  • Unplug and unhook all electronic devices and label the wires, this will make their installation must easier after you unpack.
  • Back up all of your personal, important files from your computer and pack up your external hard drives in a well-padded and labeled box.
  • To prevent spilling and staining, remove the ink cartridges from your printer and fax machines.
  • Heat can warp compact disks, so remove all CDs from your computer or stereo systems to prevent internal damage. In fact, extreme heat may damage all electronic items so be sure that they are not left in storage for a long period of time.
  • Keep all of your clothes folded or on hangers. This provides an easier and more organized unpacking process.
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